stephen parsons  


    Research --> Lead Investigator

Organization/Context: NorthSeas Software

Reflection - In first quarter 2001, my company (NorthSeas Software) applied for and was awarded an IRAP grant from the National Research Center to conduct preliminary investigation into web-based project management tools and team collaboration software. The company had a developing application and sought to identify appropriate strategies for leveraging its intellectual property into partnerships with othe companies such as Microsoft.

As Grant applicant and lead investigator, I was responsible for researching funding opportunities, writing the original grant application, and managing the development team while my partner, Mary Elizabeth O'Toole and comptroller Bob Chisholm conducted the project management and SRED tracking. The project was successful in identifying commercial opportunities and in solidifying the methodology for development, but failed to capture the SRED allowance due to its "lack of scientific principle". A hard lesson, but one that delivered exceptional learning.







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