stephen parsons  


     --> Publish a Podcast

Reflection - I intend to develop and publish a podcast series called "Class in the Clouds", a series of microlectures on educational technology from the perspective of educators who are using technology in innovative ways to facilitate teaching and learning.


Target Date: 10/1/2009

Resources: All necessary equipment and software;
Partner willing to share the effort and topical research;
Knowledge of podcasting techniques, including post-production values;
Good network of educators with a bent towards technology;
Google group who are focused on this area;
Steven Downes: Agreement in principle to be a guest in the inaugural session.

Challenges: Getting some additional high-level seeds to help launch the concept;
Scripting and editing programs to make them compelling;
Keeping the topic list full;
Attracting an audience.

Action Plan: Confirm at least five influential leaders in the field to share an introduction to a topic;
Gather support from the Google group and immediate network;
Use Linked-In and Facebook to invite both guest speakers and audiences;
Arrange for distribution via an aggregator;
Write scripts for the first few sessions;
Rehearse and record test sessions and get feedback from a focus group;
Develop materials including podcast lead-in/fade-out music;
Gather, produce and edit audio for first sessions;
Launch series via aggregator;
Promote series through numerous social media tools.


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