stephen parsons  


     --> AANM: Support Staff Transition

Reflection - I will support the transition of staff in the School of Applied Arts & New Media this year; particularly my replacement as Curriculum Consultant and the new Project Coordinator for the school.


Target Date: 8/1/2009

Resources: Strengths: Strategic, Maximizer, Ideation
Roles: Educator, Consultant, Project Manager
As I transition into my role as Consultant for Program Renewal and Academic Systems, I will be able to leverage these strengths and the skills developed in these roles to help provide transitional support to AA&NM Staff. My natural affinity for teaching and maximizer strengths will help me focus on developing capacity for the school and in the individuals themselves.

Challenges: I must be mindful of the enthusiasm each of these individuals bring - their unique perspective to the work - and try not to overly influence their innovation and transitional approaches.

Action Plan: Ensure all related information is archived and easily transportable to those who will need it
Define points of common objectives and key transitional issues and prepare to support the transfer
Plan and facilitate transitional meetings to effect transfer of information and systems access
Support communications and operational logistics in completing effective transition by the end of July
Maintain a positive attitude to ongoing mentorship and support


Related Roles



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