stephen parsons  


     --> NSCC: Promote Technology Adoption

Reflection - I will set a continuing goal of encouraging, promoting and facilitating technology adoption for operational and academic purposes. I recognize that there is a place for innovation and a place for operational impetus and that these two must be properly balanced. I will do my part to bring such balance to all my clients and employers.


Target Date: 1/1/2050

Resources: Strengths: Strategic, Maximizer, Ideation
Roles: Educational Technologist, eBusiness Professional, Professional Consultant, Teacher/Mentor, Systems Analyst, Business Analyst

Challenges: This may not be a perfect "goal" since it is not so much something I "do" but rather something that I "am". However, contrary to popular opinion, I don't believe in indiscriminate use of technology; as a professional in the fields of corporate and academic technology for over 20 years, I have observed the power and productivity of adopting effective technologies for line-of-business operational improvement and impact; lost opportunities due to hyper-conservative decision makers; and equally the disaster that can befall an organization that throws technology at poor process and practices. I will demonstrate continuing professionalism, patience and understanding when working with all decision-makers, regardless of their technological profile, and model best practices in strategy and implementation of technologies.

A current frustrating challenge for me is that in spite of the fact I was hired by NSCC for my previous experience and expertise as an eBusiness Consultant, and my continuing advisory role to numerous external clients about technology adoption, this skill set has not been well recognized by key administrative personnel at NSCC for the past six or seven years. Rather than being seen as an enthusiastic yet objective professional technology advisor, some NSCC managers view me as an evangelist or a radical technology enthusiast. I believe that's a matter of perspective, of course, but I must be conscious of this fact in achieving the long-term goal of developing confidence in smart, proactive technology adoption.

Action Plan: Complete additional certification providing assurance of professionalism in technology planning and consulting
Continue research into effective technologies that solve strategic problems and issues for educators
Develop new approaches to bridge conservativism with technology solutions
Continue to document best practices and examples of technology adoption leading to improved productivity, engagement and impact in achieving goals
Seek out opportunities to provide helpful advice and recommendations in strategic technology committees
Continue to be the change I want to see - demonstrate technology solutions that make me more productive and effective in my work


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