stephen parsons  


    Project Completion --> Curriculum Database Technology Project

Reflection - In February 2006, a sub-committee of the Academic Systems & Processes Committee under my project leadership delivered a Technology Plan on Web Calendar as the deliverable of the first phase of a two-phase project (see related experience). The original charter for the project identified expectations that the team would examine several alternative solutions for a curriculum database. However, during the course of training for the upgrade to version 4.0 of the colleges Learning Management System (LMS) - The Learning Manager (TLM), an opportunity was identified to use the new structure and features of TLM 4.0 (particularly the competency-enabled model) to house NSCC curriculum. Given that TLM is an application platform that is already supported within the College, the focus of the project shifted to examining this opportunity before evaluating other options.

In November of 2006, after delivery of a consultant's report and the development and experimentation of TLM as a potential candidate for a curriculum database, my team and I delivered our recommendations to adopt the competency based version of the LMS to manage NSCC curriculum. The attached report was presented to the Dean's Council leading to a proposal to the college's Information Systems Steering Committee (ISSC) and eventually the successful implementation of the solution in 2007.

Document: Curriculum Database Project Report.pdf
Location: NSCC
Halifax, NS
Date: November 2006
Project Sponsor: Bruce Tawse
Dean, School of Applied Arts & New Media


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