stephen parsons  


    Assignments --> Chair - Curriculum Database Committee

Organization/Context: NSCC ASPC

Reflection - Following the development of a web calendar technology plan for NSCC, the team went on to a second phase of the project - identifying and implementing a curriculum database. Working with a team of eight colleagues, we conducted research and defined the technical and functional requirements by which we would evaluate potential solutions.

The process was somewhat diverted by the impatience of some key stakeholders, so the team took a detour to evaluate an in-house technology that was deemed to be acceptable to press into service for a curriculum repository. My work as Chair of that committee concluded with a recommendation submitted to the Dean's Council to accept and support a submission through the college's Information Services Steering Committee. The effort required a great deal of political maneuvering to accommodate the agendas of some stakeholders without compromising the delivery of a suitable solution.




