stephen parsons  


     --> Applied Research-ePortfolio

Reflection - I hope to conduct some applied research on ePortfolio, possibly involving the Open Source portfolio movement. Specific areas of interest and inspiration include ePortfolio as data, transferable among systems, standards and interoperability, articulation, customization, one portfolio for life, assessing eportfolio against external standards, competencies, etc.


Target Date: 6/1/2008

Resources: Member of Standards and Interoperability study group of LIfIA and OSP
Collaboration with Dalhousie and University of Minnesota
Applied Research funding
Professional development leave capability
Master's degree in IT Education
Position and role in college has included acitivty related to ePortfolio on the college's behalf

Challenges: time
leveraging as academic achievement
finding suitable funding program
support by the college

Action Plan: Frame up ideas as cohesive application
Examine further collaboration with Dalhousie
Examine opportunities with OSP
Examine opportunities with LIfIA
Request support of Portfolio College
Request application support of Dr Woolnough's office
Present project as Applied Research proposal
Explore post-grad opportunities, fellowships, awards
Request PD Leave
Undertake research courses (ethics, methods, research prep)
Undertake research


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