stephen parsons  


     --> NSCC: Facilitate Rigorous Program Renewal Process

Reflection - In contrast with the goal for developing the process, this goal is about the doing of the work - the actual completion of program renewals during the 2009-10 Academic Year. I will facilitate this process against the evolving framework to ensure as much integrity and return on investment as possible.


Target Date: 5/31/2010

Resources: Strengths: Strategic, Activator, Command
Roles: Educational Consultant, Teacher/Mentor, Project Manager
Support: Managerial and Curriculum Unit support
Setting and meeting appropriate timelines will certainly be key to the delivery of a rigorous process this year, but even more important will be the building of capacity, knowledge, and enthusiasm for the process by those who will lead renewals on behalf of their school.

Challenges: Weakly defined process: the process is still a framework and in transition/development - so it may not be appropriate to try to lean on it too heavily in this state of development
Resources: I cannot and should not DO the renewals; rather I should facilitate their progress. However, this requires that schools are willing to step up to the resources that are needed to accomplish a quality review.

Action Plan: Meet with Deans and ensure they understand the expectations and resource implications
Ensure/encourage the assignment of appropriate staff
Develop leads through an orientation process
Track renewal progress through key stages
Look for opportunities to share learning and effort
Acknowledge expertise and document sources of knowledge
Get ahead of timelines to ensure flexibility and achievement of on-time deliverables
Deliver a package at the end of the 2009-10 Academic Year that recipients will agree is clearly superior to the 2008-09 package
Document Lessons Learned


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