stephen parsons  


    Combination --> Conduct Management Consulting Engagements

Activities - To achieve this competency, I:

  • Completed Certificate in Business at Memorial University
  • Completed Essentials of Management Course through CAMC
  • Acted as Management Consultant to various clients at Marshall Media Group, NorthSeas Software Inc., and InnovaIT Web Services
  • Provided academic and technical consulting services to Holland College, NSCC
  • Acted as eBusiness consultant (eNavigator) to clients of Nova Scotia IT Human Resources Sector Council

Outcomes - As a result of this learning I can:

  • Help clients assess their current situation, including the business challenges and opportunities they can address to improve upon the present.
  • Assist clients develop strategies for growth and development.
  • Facilitate clients addressing change management processes while implementing recommendations
  • Explain the five stages of the consulting process and the deliverables associated with each stage.
  • Discuss the six functional areas (Human Resources, Strategic Planning, Finance, Operations, Information Technology, and Marketing) of Management Consulting
  • Utilize appropriate consulting tools and techniques


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