stephen parsons  


    Cognitive --> Demonstrate Information Literacy

Activities - To achieve this competency, I:

  • Completed a certificate in Applied Information Technology
  • Completed programs in Management Consulting and Consulting Ethics through CAMC
  • Developed programs in internet awareness and computer literacy for Cabot College
  • Wrote a book on Internet as an information source
  • Conducted electronic and traditional research in undergraduate and post-graduate programs
  • Provide research services to clients as an IT and eBusiness Consultant
  • Provide academic research through electronic resources
  • Develop information sources and strategies for NSCC and clients of my consulting and IT businesses
  • Researched and developed feasibility sudies, needs analysis and conference presentations

Outcomes - As a result of this learning I can:

  • Search effectively in an electronic environment
  • Use a variety of sources to gather information
  • Assess web resources for accuracy and reliability
  • Organize information into useful application
  • Use information ethically and responsibly


Related Experience
